• Sound of the region
  • Hanácká svatba na střední Moravě
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Traditional region


Někde zřizují muzea a jinde svoje tradice zkrátka žijí. Chcete-li vidět tradiční řemeslo, oslavu nebo nářečí skutečně živé, tak navštivte Hanou – region, který v České republice nemá obdobu. Slyšíte ta zvonivá slova bezjaderka, břéskat, cafórek, domrza… Zaposlouchejte se do života na Hané třeba při sečení lúk, pochovávání basy, oslavě „Smrtné neděle“, slavení “matiček” nebo světoznámé jízdě králů a bude vám sladce teskno. A jestli vám ani tohle nestačí, pak je pro vás připravená hanácká „svajba“ – opulentní oslava lásky pod taktovkou bohatství, přepychu a kapičky furiantství. Svatební hanácký kroj patří k jedněm z nejkrásnějších v Česku. Okázalá barevnost, bohatství výšivek a krajek a delikatesy místní kuchyně vaše smysly doslova ohromí.
You can really savour the region thanks to local culinary specialities, traditional methods and ingredients. Let your senses flow in the unmistakeable fragrance and taste of local cuisine and enjoy.

Olomoucké tvarůžky(mature cheese)

Traditional and unique meal, you can truly enjoy with all your senses. The scent, softness for touch, strong taste, beautiful colour and your loud smack during first bite, again and again... Those are mature cheeses from Olomouc. So much connected with milk and a village home, both in ingredients and the method of processing, that it may never be possible to exactly date a moment, when they appeared on menu for the first time. In Loštice, olomoucké tvarůžky have already been produced since 1876. European Comission appreciated their significant qualities by granting the Protected Geographical Indication in August 2010. In the place of the original factory, the Museum of A.W. Olomoucke tvaruzky was opened in the summer of 1994. A part of the exhibition is a tasting, enjoy it with all your senses.

Loštická česnečka (garlic soup)

Sliced onion is roasted with bacon, water is added, then diced potatoes, caraway, salt and all is cooked until it is soft. Flavoured with pepper, marjoram and garlic. Poured in bowls, cut tvarůžky are added into each portion. Finally shortly baked in preheated oven.

Tvarůžkové lívanečky(small pancakes)

Thick batter is made of flour, eggs and milk, that is poured into a frying pan, round of sliced cheese are added and all is covered with another layer of batter. Small pancakes are baked until their colour is golden and are served with blueberries or another fruit of your choice and whipped cream.

Poštulkovy tvarůžkové pastry

Pastry made of selfmade puff pastry, piškotové (made of flour,sugar and eggs, egg whites are whipped) or potato dough, froth of tvarůžky or olomoucké tvarůžky itself, decorated with apple jam, grated gingerbread, cranberries or nuts.

Hanácké hertepláky (potato pancakes)

One day earlier, potatoes are cooked with peel on until they soften. The next day they are peeled and finely grated. Then mixed with flour and salt and dough, not too sticky, neither too thick nor too thin, is made. On a baking board, spreader with flour, thin pancakes are rolled and then baked without grease from both sides on the cast – iron part of gas stove. They are greased with butter, when they are still warm, sprinkled with poppy seed mixed with grounded sugar, greased with butter again and winded as pancakes. Then they are given into a pot in layers, each of them greased with butter again, and kept in warmth. Can be filled with jam or mixed with jam and poppy seed.

Teplické pecáky

Cookies spreaded with curds, pear, poppy seed, nut and jam filling. Speciality is curd filling, which is not spread like the others, but is given inside the cake.

Map of Czech traditions